Domestication of Actinidia Species Kiwifruit have a very short history of cultivation. In China, the...
猕猴桃的健康益处Health Benefits of Kiwi 英文
猕猴桃的健康益处Health Benefits of Kiwi 英文 医学博士Brunilda Nazario于2020年9月16日审查 The kiwi – shortened from its f...
Kiwi Nutrition Facts and Health Benefits 猕猴桃营养成分和健康益处
Kiwi is a tiny fruit that packs in a lot of nutritional benefits. Sometimes referred to as kiwifruit...
a small proportion of the world’s population appears to be allergic to the kiwifruit 猕猴桃品种的过敏性存在差异
While kiwifruit has a high nutritive and health value, a small proportion of the world's population ...
Soft rot caused by Botryosphaeria dothidea leads to massive economic losses in the kiwifruit industry. 软腐病给猕猴桃产业造成了巨大的经济损失
Soft rot caused by Botryosphaeria dothidea leads to massive economic losses in the kiwifruit industr...
kiwifruit pomace and kiwifruit are rich in dietary fiber 猕猴桃残次果生产酶的可能性进行了研究
Kiwifruit (Actinidia chinensis Planch, Actinidiaceae) waste results from rejected kiwifruits, which ...
Kiwifruit is therefore a healthy food option for consumers with impaired glucose tolerance. 猕猴桃是糖尿病消费者的健康食品选择,对血糖影响将非常低
Kiwifruit has a relatively low glycemic impact on a per serving basis. DRRs from kiwifruit have a su...
Kiwifruit, a fruit originally from China, has spread around the world in the last decades 猕猴桃富含维c等多种营养物质
Kiwifruit, a fruit originally from China, has spread around the world in the last decades. Its produ...